Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Re-membering(s): Being There and Then, and Here and Now

Sue Hawksley

This paper considers questions of embodied perception, memory and cognition from a choreographic perspective, through an account of the making and performing of remembering(s), a performance work comprising a series of improvised miniatures in contemporary music and dance.
re-membering(s) investigates the interfaces between performers, between dance and music, and between performers and audience in live improvised performance. What is transmitted? What is lost? What are effective choreographic means to apprehend, frame and articulate the fugitive impressions and traces of what happens in the danced-moment? re-membering(s) emphasises the activities of looking, listening, remembering and reporting, engaging aleotoric compositional methods to present performance strategies and situations pertinent to an inquiry into embodiment.

This paper discusses aspects of the creative process and context of this piece, focusing primarily on the choreographer’s and dancers’ perspectives, and on the role of the interdisciplinary collaboration in the evolution of the work.

To view the full paper please click here

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