Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Telling Stories is like Telling Lies

John MJ Farrugia


I am a Canadian / Irish student completing my practice led doctorate within the School of Sculpture. My area of research is concerned with Narratology, the interpretation of stories and ways in which sculptural practice can act as a conduit & transmitter for the re-interpretation and re-telling of narratives. My art making practice operates within an expanded field and utilizes various artefact making process and methodologies such as lost wax casting techniques, performance and sound/audio manipulation.
I am interested in the ways in which we understand stories both visual and textually, how stories are passed on and the ways and manner in which we facilitate this re-contextualization of narratives. My studio-practice is concerned with producing sculptural artefacts, which encompass and radiate the re-contextualized narrative, thus acting in an exegetical manner and producing an angular perspective on specific narratives. My research primarily contributes towards knowledge in an inductive fashion.

To view the full paper please click here

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